Friday, August 13, 2010

We made it to Washington

Yesterday we crossed our last state line into Washington. We were on a bike path so we didn't get a chance at the state sign for pictures which was sad. We had a short ride yesterday so we decided to have some fun and have a scavenger hunt which included things like dancing with strangers and finding the largest leaf. My team didn't do very well, but it was still fun. The most entertaining part was the singing category where you had to make up a song for the judges. Some of them were very good. Today we rode to Wilbur (the town not the pig from Charlotte's Web). We're camping tonight and tomorrow we head to Omak where Kristian (aka corporate) will return to our route and ride the rest of the way in to Seattle.

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Location:W Main Ave,Wilbur,United States

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Idaho, a vacation destination

I had no idea that Idaho was so beautiful. We arrived yesterday in Wallace, Idaho where they filmed Dante's Peak (staring Pierce Brosnan). It was a cute town with some mines you could tour nearby. It was weird to have a day off from riding but still change location. Today we had a really easy ride to Coeur d'Alene. There is a mountain pass between Wallace and Coeur d'Alene, but it would have required us to get on the interstate again so we shuttled from lunch which was at mile 30 to the other side of the 4th of July pass and had only 6 miles on the other side. So it was a really wasy day with most of it spent on bike trails. We spent the afternoon at the beach swimming in the lake and wandering around town. Tomorrow we have our last build day of the trip. It's wild to think we're almost there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:E Wallace Ave,Coeur d'Alene,United States

Monday, August 9, 2010

Montana is Beautiful

I now understand why people live in Montana. It really is very beautiful. We have had some fabulous views during our rides worthy of being on a postcard or displayed on your wall. Two days ago we had our second to last build day in Missoula. We were working in a development called Potter Park where all the streets were named after things or people in Harry Potter. It was pretty cool and Paige would have been going crazy there since she was absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter. There are a few streets I saw where I didn't know where the name came from and I'm sure she would have been able to tell me instantly. We did a lot of different projects at the build site. There were three houses being worked on so we were doing everything from drywall (again) to priming, which was what I was doing. Missoula was very pleasantly surprising. It turns out to be extremely bike friendly and overall a pretty cool place to be. I wrote the journal entry for the Bike & Build website for our day into Lincoln so you can read that to learn more about that day (it will be posted here: Yesterday we had an interesting ride into Superior, MT because we had to spend a few small sections on I-90. The first section was fine because we had a giant shoulder and the speed limit is only 5mph higher than on the other roads we've been on. The second section had several bridges where we pretty much lost the shoulder that were a lot more exciting. Because of the uneasiness the interstate caused yesterday we are shuttling today to Wallace, ID. We would have had to be on the interstate for over 30 miles going up a mountain. I think it was a good decision and I'm perfectly happy to spend as little time on I-90 biking as possible. To be clear it is legal to bike on the interstate out here if it is the only way from A to B.