Friday, August 13, 2010

We made it to Washington

Yesterday we crossed our last state line into Washington. We were on a bike path so we didn't get a chance at the state sign for pictures which was sad. We had a short ride yesterday so we decided to have some fun and have a scavenger hunt which included things like dancing with strangers and finding the largest leaf. My team didn't do very well, but it was still fun. The most entertaining part was the singing category where you had to make up a song for the judges. Some of them were very good. Today we rode to Wilbur (the town not the pig from Charlotte's Web). We're camping tonight and tomorrow we head to Omak where Kristian (aka corporate) will return to our route and ride the rest of the way in to Seattle.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W Main Ave,Wilbur,United States

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